BC 550 Master
Main Features
- Sound pressure/power level:103.5/113.6 dB(A)
- Lh/rh vibration level:3.5/5.8 m/s²
- Dry weight without cutting tools: 9.9 kg
- Power/Displacement 3.3 HP – 2.4 kW/51.7 cm³
- Cutting components 130 mm dia. Load&Go ExtraLife head (with metal reinforcement) with 3.00 mm dia. line – 300 mm dia. disc with 3 blades
- Dry weight without cutting tools 9.9 kg
You can contact us on the telephone number listed. Alternatively you can email us with any enquiries you have - simply send an email to thegang@gwaungarage.co.uk and we will endeavour to get back to you in the quickest possible time.